Members are reminded that the Annual General Meeting is on this Tuesday 8th March 2016 starting at 8 pm. This will be followed by a General Meeting.
Please come along and show your support for the Club and enjoy the company of other 4WD enthusiasts. Refreshments are available.
- Date — Tuesday 8th March 2016
- Location — North East Car Club rooms, Nolan Road, Tarrawingee Recreation Reserve, Tarrawingee, Victoria
- Time — 7:30 pm for an 8:00 pm meeting start.
If there is anybody you would like to see elected onto the Committee or in an official position, please use the 2016 Nomination Form from the website. Click [HERE], print it out and nominate your candidate. The candidate must agree to the nomination.
These forms must be handed to the Secretary or President before the start of the meeting at 8.00pm.
Visitors are encouraged to attend to see how the club is run and to meet other members who have a similar passion for 4WDriving. Please introduce yourself to the Membership Secretary when you arrive.
— Visitors are very welcome —