General Meeting – Tuesday 14th April

Members are reminded that the April General Meeting is on this Tuesday 14th April. Please come along and enjoy the company of other 4WD enthusiasts.

  • Date — Tuesday 14th April 2015
  • Location — North East Car Club rooms, Nolan Road, Tarrawingee Recreation Reserve, Tarrawingee, Victoria
  • Time — 7:30pm for an 8:00pm meeting start.

The formal business of the club covers a financial report, membership update, technical advice, trip reports, social events, community projects and driver training opportunities, as well as any other general business items. Refreshments are available.

Visitors are encouraged to attend to see how the club is run and to meet other members who have a similar passion for 4WDriving.  Please introduce yourself to the Membership Secretary when you arrive.

Members are reminded that membership fees are now.
Please refer to Membership Fees & Application Forms for payment options.

— Visitors are very welcome —

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