2018/19 Fees are now due
Fees* — family or single
- Joining Fee: $20.00 (covers badge, sticker etc). This is a once off fee.
- Annual Subscription: $100.00 (includes membership and insurance cover with Four Wheel Drive Victoria Inc)
Membership Application Form
Click Membership Application Form (pdf file) or Membership Application Form (Word file) — to download, print-out (if necessary) and fill-in with your details. Note re Word File: 1. Once clicked on, the Word file will appear in your Downloads folder or Documents folder or on your Desktop depending on how your computer is set-up and 2. The Word file can be filled in on the computer and then emailed as an attachment to the membership secretary <info@wangaratta4x4club.org.au>. Once clicked on PDF File will display in your web browser BUT Word file will not.
Payment Methods
1. By cheque and post to:
The Secretary
Wangaratta 4×4 Club
PO Box 494
Wangaratta Vic 3676
2. By Direct Credit to the Club’s bank account indicating who the deposit was from so treasurer knows who made the deposit. Details as follows:
- Account name: Wangaratta 4WD Club
- BSB: 803070
- Account No: 29894
Remember to please email your Word file membership form to the membership secretary: Email: <info@wangaratta4x4club.org.au>
3. Bring Form & Fee along to a Monthly General Meeting & hand to the secretary.
- Date — Held on the second Tuesday of the month except January.
- Location — North East Car Clubrooms, Nolan Road, Tarrawingee Recreation Reserve, Tarrawingee, Victoria.
- Time — 7:30pm for a 8:00pm start.
* Proportionate Fees of 50% of the annual subscription will be charged for new members joining the club between 1 January and 30 June (By-Law#5.3).