Track Torque – September-2018

Track Torque logoThe September 2018 issue of Track Torque is now available for viewing on-line as a pdf file.

To view the latest ‘Track Torque’ newsletter all you need to do is click the link below and the pdf file will open in your web Browser. Hint: To enlarge the text on the web page, use the following keyboard shortcuts: Windows: hold down Control then type +, Apple: hold down Command then type +

Alternatively, if you wish to save the newsletter to your computer, there are two options: 1. Save it from your Browser (File > Save) or 2. Go to the club’s website <Newsletters 2018> and download the Track Torque pdf file. Hint: Right click the link and select ‘Save Link As…. or ‘Download Linked File As…’ depending on the Browser you use. Past issues can also be accessed on the site

    Track Torque  September 2018

Reminder —  September General Meeting

Tuesday 11th September, 7:30 at Clubroom.

Meeting start time: 8:00 pm at North Eastern Car Club, Clubroom. Rec. Reserve 1, Ovens Hwy. Tarrawingee

Message from Administrator: Andrew Brown

Hi to all our Club members and friends of the Club,

Hope you are all having a terrific month with the temps rising
and the trees starting to bloom.

Another great Track Torque for September.
[Thanks to Bev (Ed.) and all contributors.]

I’m looking forward to catching up with those intrepid road
warriors who have been way out ‘back’ this month, at tonight’s

Hope to see you there too.

Note: There is another very busy Trip Calendar offering lots of choices
including an upcoming “Cobbler/Top Crossing Huts” trip
which will appear in next month’s calendar for Nov. 24-25th
led by Graham Abotomey.

Keep your eyes on your emails for what sounds like a terrific
weekend trip..

Till next time, have a great month,






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