Track Torque copy needed by Monday 9th February

Track Torque logoThe Track Torque editor & vice president, Andrew Brown, has asked that ALL copy for the February 2015 edition be with him by Monday 9th February.

Trip reports or articles generated during the period December 2014 till 9th February 2015 need to be emailed to him <> by 8.00am Monday the 9th of February to be included in the February Track Torque newsletter.

Formatted articles (in Microsoft Word format or Plain Text) with small file size photos are best but an article with separate photos emailed is OK too.

All articles are eagerly accepted so if you have been on a day trip or longer…share it with the Club. Your input and thoughts are important to our Club members. Andrew is also after general articles on four wheel driving that would be of interest to members.

Trip details from leaders planning up-coming trips would also be appreciated.

He is looking forward to having too many articles. Remember, it’s your Club’s newsletter so please consider making a contribution to it.

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