Personal Details Form
Members and guests/visitors need to fill in this form completely and correctly. Is very important in the event of an accident or personal injury. The form supplies emergency contact details – Medicare, ambulance and medical details critical to ‘first response medical treatment’ should that be needed while on the trip.
This personal information form should be placed in a sealed envelope with your name on the front. The envelope should be carried in the vehicle (glove box) in which you are traveling with envelopes for each person traveling in the vehicle.
Click Personal Details Form (pdf) to view, download, print-out and fill-in as indicated.
Guests/Visitors on trips must fill in a Personal Details Form and place it in the vehicle’s glovebox and pay a 4WD Victoria insurance levy of $15.00 which ensures they are covered by the club’s public liability and personal accident insurance (By-Law 6.9). Note: The $15.00 levy covers the ‘guest’s immediate family only i.e. spouse and children’. This cover is for three trips.
Trip Participant Form
All Temporary Members/Guests/Visitors are required to complete the this form and pay the $15.00 insurance levy before participating in a club trip or other activity. This form is to be handed to the Trip Leader (By-Law 6.9).
Click Temporary Member/Guest Trip Participant Form (pdf) to view, download, print-out and fill-in as indicated.
For Trip Leader’s
Leader’s need to fill-in the Pre-Trip Details Form – Click HERE to download a Word version of the form which you can type into and email directly. Click HERE for a pdf version of the form. This form needs to be emailed to the Webmaster, Newsletter Editor and Trip Co-ordinator.